TRIBUTE TO A FRIEND Jim Farrell and Joe Pollio On the morning of Tuesday June 8, 2010, along with Ted's family members (Ted Jr, Patty) plus friends of the family, we joined a half-dozen other barbershoppers (Larry Duggan, Len Garey, Milt Greffen, Bob Hastings, Bud Laumann, and Tom Wheatley) at Crownsville Veteran's Cemetery, in honor of Ted Hicks. At that place there are many ceremonies every day, with only a fifteen minute duration allotted for each one. The reason is that so many veterans now are joining guys like Ted, Bud Crusse, and other heroic inductees -- this time into another group -- all on a path toward Heaven. It's no exaggeration to call these guys heroes. To illustrate that, just imagine what our lives would have been if the U.S. had lost World War II. Veterans of that war prevented a disaster that would have been worldwide and permanent. Different veterans have different stories. For Ted it was the sinking of his Destroyer by a Japanese torpedo. There weren't enough life vests to go around, so those with jackets held on to the guys without one (can we say SOLIDARITY ?). Blasts from gunboats were intended to shoo away the sharks and, by the grace of God, it worked. Rescue finally came -- after NONE HOURS in the ocean. Undoubtedly that experience by a young Ted Hicks contributed mightily to his confidence -- which was always a quiet confidence. Ted didn't talk much about his experiences nor about himself. He was extremely well adjusted and highly talented. He was also a guy whose gratitude never wavered. During one of the half-dozen times I (Jim F.) visited him this year, he said -- while sitting in a wheel chair -- how he enjoyed his life. On another one of those visits I gave him a little CD player with a CD I made from the old Stereophonics vinyl album. As we listened together, the satisfaction on his face lifted me as much as it lifted him. Different individuals will remember different facets of Ted. A few examples: He was enormously gifted with wood -- he could put together anything with wood and make it look ingenious. Among many barbershoppers he will be remembered as the pitch-pipe guy for the CoC International Chorus Championship performance under the direction of Bob Johnson. Those of us who had the privilege of singing in a quartet with him will recall a guy with an exceptionally pleasing voice quality (with the Stereophonics he sang in the Mid-Atlantic Regional finals as a lead -- then later, also as a baritone) and a hilariously fun guy to be around. As if all that weren't enough, the guy was completely genuine. Once when his job situation was changing he offered to step aside to allow someone with more time to take his place in the quartet. Immediately I (Joe P.) said "No, Ted -- you're a real person." It might be possible to replace a voice but not a person. That replacement never happened; Ted was unique. I remember some Sweet Adelines observing how well we all got along together. We were friends first and then singers. All of us who knew Ted are richer for being associated with him -- and we are richer for having another friend on the path toward Heaven.